Hi everybody and welcome to my blog! I thought I would take the opportunity in this first post to introduce myself and let you know what you can expect from this site. I’m a general dentist getting ready to start my own practice in Holly Springs, NC. I started my dental career when I was 16 years old and took an internship position with an orthodontist in my hometown. That internship turned out to be a true turning point for me. What started as a one semester gig for minimum wage my junior year of high school, turned into the professional career I enjoy today. I worked at that office through college and even a few weeks here and there during dental school. It was a great place to work and that wonderful team of women is still my inspiration for what I want in my own office.
After graduating from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2005, I left all the cold weather of Michigan behind me (as well as my friends and family) and headed to Raleigh. For the last four years I’ve enjoyed living in North Carolina and serving the Raleigh community. I wasn’t aware before I moved here that there was such a growing Hispanic population here. I’ve really been able to improve my Spanish since moving here. My husband Ryan and I have lived in Holly Springs for the last three years, and we just love it. I’m really looking forward to being able to work so close to home and become more active in the community.
Becoming a part of the community is the main reason I wanted to start this blog. I’ve found that there are so many people out there that have been going to dentists regularly their whole lives and have never been given nutritional information or even shown the proper way to brush or floss! Although the website has some good basic information on it, I wanted to utilize the blog to discuss topics in depth. Just to give you an idea of what’s to come, here are some ideas I had for blog topics:
“Pregnancy and your teeth”
“No matter what I do I still get cavities. Why is this?”
“A few more reasons to quit smoking”
“What should I be doing for my children’s oral health?”
In addition, I’ll be letting you all know any pertinent news about the office or what’s going on in the profession of dentistry that can affect consumers. Always feel free to e-mail or call with any questions. I look forward to sharing some great topics with you and getting to know you all in person as you come to the office.